Colegio Alemán Chicureo
Búsquedas / Materias / Novedades


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Clasificación 823 FRE co
Autor(es) Freeman, Don
Título(s) Corduroy
Lugar de Edición
Fecha de edición

Puffin Books
New York

Resumen Corduroy has been on the department store shelf for a long time. Yet as soon as Lisa sees him, she knows that he's the bear she's always wanted. Her mother, though, thinks he's a little shopworn-he's even missing a button! Still, Corduroy knows that with a bit of work, he can tidy himself up and be just the bear for Lisa. And where better to start than with a quick search through the department store for a new button!
Descripción 32 pages; 182 x 227 x 2mm | 104g


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